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The topic of conversation is building, and growing, in public; truly they’ve had no other choice … Substack’s the outlet for now …

Culture Clap’s conversation and vernacular are truly unique. Their conversation spans dimensions, the full breadth and depth of which, few have ever had an opportunity to traverse.

Avail yourself of a truly differentiated, & compassionate, voice; while gaining actionable insights for building a more sustainable world!

About Culture Clap

I was adopted into an evangelical family. Being an only child, a nuanced and peculiar personality was formed.

Unable to find suitable reflections in the community around me, so I turned to books as a means of escape. Though in following the wishes of the adopted mother, I was soon performing in annual holiday musicals.

While these forms of creativity were acceptable, others were not. Further confined by a community that reinforced norms set in the home, certain energies were suppressed.

Midway thru high school Taoism was introduced, along with the Gnostic Gospels.  Through these books, along with poetry, and music, my mind was able to expand beyond what he had been fed.

After leaving the US, through ScreamFreely & DreamFreely I continue to work towards the empowerment and growth of the community in which I was raised.

No longer living out of a backpack, I sat down to build where I am for the time being.

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Want to be part of a community of people building a better world? The activity is still a bit slow; though plans for growth are accruing, and this will be the primary digital locale for conversation, updates and collaboration.

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Coach @RebelCoding 🌎 Conscious Remote Exec @DreamFreely 🛠️ Founder @ScreamFreely 🧙🏾‍♂️ Fruit is nature's candy #AdopteesTalk